Last week Sandy and I drove up to St. Augustine to see Sebastian and take him to the IMAX movie, “Jerusalem”. It was playing at a Golf resort place, and only for one day. Ironically, Sebastian’s St. Augustine (girl) friends also had made that date with him. (Great minds think alike.) So we all went together.

We were disappointed with the movie. Yes, it was entertaining (it was an IMAX theater, 3D and all), but it also felt contrived and superficial. A “feel good” movie that left a lot out. It was interesting to see the landscape and little stone streets and the mass of humanity at its various tribal rituals, but left one (or at least, me) feeling as if “had” by some strange kind of propaganda.

Being with Sebastian and Bella and the girls was wonderful. After the movie we ate at the same old favorite Thai restaurant that Seb always takes us to. As usual, the food was extraordinarily good. Sandy and I gabbed the whole way up and back.

Beautiful Bella …

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… and the rest of us …

Only Sebastian would have this photo of Marilyn Monroe in his guest bathroom:
